Tag Archives: Maggie Q

Fall 2011-2012 TV Premiere Dates

Summer is almost over, but don’t be sad! It just means that Fall 2011-2012 Television programming will return soon! So mark your calendars and take note of when your favorite returning and new shows premiere on CBS, NBC, Fox, CW, and ABC.

Some new and highly anticipated shows to note are ABC’s “Once Upon a Time”, CW’s “Ringer” with Sarah Michelle Gellar (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), “Person of Interest” on CBS, and Fox’s “X-Factor” and “New Girl” starring Zooey Deschanel.

This year also marks the final seasons for NBC’s “Chuck”, and ABC’s “Desperate Housewives”. So what shows are you looking forward to watching? Thus far, I find ABC’s new Fall Series line-up to be the most intriguing.

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2010 Fall Premiere Schedule

Summer is over and now our favorite shows are returning back to the prime time line up. Looks like most shows are returning the week of September 19th including Dancing with the Stars, Chuck, Castle, House, Glee, Bones, Grey’s Anatomy, and the final season of Smallville.

With every Fall season also brings on new series some of which have already started. The series premieres of Hellcats and Nikita began the week of Labor Day. Both shows have potential and even though it is early, I think Hellcats can develop into a show that could be as popular as Glee or at least will draw audiences from other genre shows like Make It or Break It. Other series premieres that I’m looking forward to are The Event, Chase, Lone Star, Undercovers, Outsourced, and No Ordinary Family.

Click on the link below to see when your favorite show returns.

Click to Continue Reading: 2010 Fall Premiere Schedule

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